Sol e Chuva

1997 • Album

Most popular songs of Alceu Valença

Trivia about the album Sol e Chuva by Alceu Valença

In what year was the album “Sol e Chuva” released by Alceu Valença?
The album “Sol e Chuva” was released in 1997 by Alceu Valença, featuring 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Sol e Chuva” by Alceu Valença?
Anunciação” is the biggest hit from the album “Sol e Chuva” by Alceu Valença.
What are the main songs from the album “Sol e Chuva” by Alceu Valença?
The main songs from the album “Sol e Chuva” by Alceu Valença are “Anunciação / Tomara”, “Tropicana (Morena Tropicana)”, “Girassol”, “Como Dois Animais”, and “Solidão”.

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