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Trivia about Alessandro Vilas Boas

What are the main songs by Alessandro Vilas Boas?
The main songs by Alessandro Vilas Boas are “Quero Conhecer Jesus”, “O Carpinteiro”, “Deixa Queimar (part. Brunão Morada)”, “O Fogo Nunca Dorme”, and “Ser Mudado”.
What are the main albums by Alessandro Vilas Boas?
The main albums by Alessandro Vilas Boas are “O Carpinteiro (Ao Vivo)”, “O Fogo Nunca Dorme”, and “No Secreto: Live At Home IV”.
What is the latest album by Alessandro Vilas Boas?
The latest album by Alessandro Vilas Boas is “Peregrino”, released in 2021 with 5 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Alessandro Vilas Boas?
The oldest album by Alessandro Vilas Boas is “No Secreto: Live At Home IV”, released in 2016 with 4 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Alessandro Vilas Boas?
The most popular song by Alessandro Vilas Boas is “Quero Conhecer Jesus”, from the album “O Fogo Nunca Dorme”, released in 2017.
How many albums has Alessandro Vilas Boas released?
Between 2016 and 2021 Alessandro Vilas Boas released 6 Albums and 4 Singles/EPs

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