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Trivia about Creed

What are the main songs by Creed?
The main songs by Creed are “With Arms Wide Open”, “One Last Breath”, “My Sacrifice”, “Don't Stop Dancing”, and “My Own Prison”.
What are the main albums by Creed?
The main albums by Creed are “With Arms Wide Open: A Retrospective”, “Greatest Hits”, “Creed Live in Houston”, “Weathered”, and “Human Clay”.
What is the latest album by Creed?
The latest album by Creed is “With Arms Wide Open: A Retrospective”, released in 2015 with 27 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Creed?
The oldest album by Creed is “Human Clay”, released in 1999 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Creed?
The most popular song by Creed is “With Arms Wide Open”, from the album “Human Clay”, released in 1999.
How many albums has Creed released?
Between 1999 and 2015 Creed released 7 Albums

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