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Trivia about MC Pipokinha

What is the latest album by MC Pipokinha?
The latest album by MC Pipokinha is “Amante Vs Fiel (part. MC Katia a Fiel e DJ Erick Pierre)”, released in 2023.
What is the oldest album by MC Pipokinha?
The oldest album by MC Pipokinha is “Beat do Mario Bros”, released in 2021.
What is the most successful song by MC Pipokinha?
The most popular song by MC Pipokinha is “Bota Na Pipokinha [explícita]”, from the album “Bota na Pipokinha (feat. DJ FELYPINHO 013)”, released in 2021.
How many albums has MC Pipokinha released?
Between 2021 and 2023 MC Pipokinha released 23 Singles/EPs

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