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Trivia about Ponto De Equilibrio

What are the main songs by Ponto De Equilibrio?
The main songs by Ponto De Equilibrio are “Novo Dia”, “Coisa Feia”, “Ponto de Equilibrio”, “Aonde Vai Chegar?”, and “Árvore do Reggae”.
What are the main albums by Ponto De Equilibrio?
The main albums by Ponto De Equilibrio are “Juntos Somos Fortes Ao Vivo”, “Reggae a Vida Com Amor”, “Dia Após Dia Lutando”, and “Abre a Janela”.
What is the latest album by Ponto De Equilibrio?
The latest album by Ponto De Equilibrio is “Essa É a Nossa Música”, released in 2016 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Ponto De Equilibrio?
The oldest album by Ponto De Equilibrio is “Reggae a Vida Com Amor”, released in 2004 with 13 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Ponto De Equilibrio?
The most popular song by Ponto De Equilibrio is “Novo Dia”, from the album “Dia Após Dia Lutando”, released in 2010.
How many albums has Ponto De Equilibrio released?
Between 2004 and 2016 Ponto De Equilibrio released 5 Albums

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