Anthology (vol.1)

1995 • Album

Most popular songs of The Beatles

Trivia about the album Anthology (vol.1) by The Beatles

In what year was the album “Anthology (vol.1)” released by The Beatles?
The album “Anthology (vol.1)” was released in 1995 by The Beatles, featuring 57 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Anthology (vol.1)” by The Beatles?
All My Loving” is the biggest hit from the album “Anthology (vol.1)” by The Beatles.
What are the main songs from the album “Anthology (vol.1)” by The Beatles?
The main songs from the album “Anthology (vol.1)” by The Beatles are “All My Loving”, “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, “I Want To Hold Your Hand”, “Twist And Shout”, and “And I Love Her”.

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