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비밀의 숲 (A secret forest)
2020 • Dear
또 하루가 지나간다 (Another day goes by)
2020 • Dear
허락 (Allow)
2020 • Dear
라라랜드 (La La Land)
2020 • Dear
줄게 (Give u)
2020 • Dear
첫 줄 (First Line)
2020 • Dear
하루 이틀 매일 (Every day)
2020 • Dear
잊혀지지마 (The memory)
2020 • Dear
별이 온다 (Star)
2020 • Dear
기억 끝에 (The Edge of Memory)
2018 • Present
오늘 (Today)
2018 • Present
고백 (Confession)
2012 • 24
너야 (It’s You)
2012 • 24
자꾸만 자꾸만 (Over & Over)
2012 • 24
가수가 된 이유 (The Reason Why I Became a Singer)
2012 • 24
TV가 끝났어 (TV Shows That Ended)
2012 • 24
All Songs
All I Ever Think About Is You (Intro)
TV가 끝났어 (TV Shows That Ended)
가수가 된 이유 (The Reason Why I Became a Singer)
감기 (A Cold)
고백 (Confession)
기억 끝에 (The Edge of Memory)
너야 (It’s You)
또 하루가 지나간다 (Another day goes by)
라라랜드 (La La Land)
맥박 (Pulse)
벽시계 (Wall Clock)
별이 온다 (Star)
비밀의 숲 (A secret forest)
빌려줄게 (Lean On)
오늘 (Today)
잊혀지지마 (The memory)
자꾸만 자꾸만 (Over & Over)
줄게 (Give u)
지구와 달 (Earth and Moon)
첫 줄 (First Line)
하루 이틀 매일 (Every day)
허락 (Allow)
혼잣말 (Monologue)
Trivia about Shin Yong Jae (신용재)
- What is the latest album by Shin Yong Jae (신용재)?
- The latest album by Shin Yong Jae (신용재) is “Dear”, released in 2020 with 9 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by Shin Yong Jae (신용재)?
- The oldest album by Shin Yong Jae (신용재) is “24”, released in 2012 with 6 tracks.
- What is the most successful song by Shin Yong Jae (신용재)?
- The most popular song by Shin Yong Jae (신용재) is “비밀의 숲 (A secret forest)”, from the album “Dear”, released in 2020.
- How many albums has Shin Yong Jae (신용재) released?
- Between 2012 and 2020 Shin Yong Jae (신용재) released 4 Albums
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