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Candy Heart
Cotton Candy Kiss
Five Second Crush
I Know
June 1
Pocket Thoughts
The Best People Think They Are Worst
Волков бояться (To be afraid of wolves)
За стеной (Behind the wall)
Лучший / худший враг / друг (Best/ Worst enemy/ Friend)
Не смотри вниз (Don’t look down)
Перекрёстки (Intersections)
Приснюсь (I’ll dream about it)
Чтобы (To)
Чур не я (I’m not the one)
Trivia about Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie)
- What is the latest album by Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie)?
- The latest album by Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie) is “ECLECTICA”, released in 2024 with 8 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie)?
- The oldest album by Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie) is “Who Broke My Glasses?”, released in 2020 with 9 tracks.
- How many albums has Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie) released?
- Between 2020 and 2024 Наша Таня (Nasha Tanie) released 2 Albums
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