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Most Popular Songs
Тело (Body)
2017 • Tragic City
Безумие (Remix) (Madness)
2015 • Magic City
Белый танец (White Dance)
2017 • Tragic City
Ползать (Crawl)
2017 • Tragic City
Канкан (Cancan)
2017 • Tragic City
Ууу (Fdd)
2020 • One More City
2015 • Magic City
Ещё один день (One More Day)
2017 • Tragic City
Отброс (Garbage)
2017 • Tragic City
2015 • Magic City
Плевок в вечность (Spit Into Eternity)
2017 • Tragic City
Лабиринт отражений (Labyrinth of Reflections)
2017 • Tragic City
Деньги не проблема (Money is not a Problem)
2017 • Tragic City
Девочка-пришелец (Alien Girl)
2020 • One More City
Конец света (End of the World)
2017 • Tragic City
Синее (Blue)
2015 • Magic City
All Songs
10 негритят (10 niggers)
Magic City
Безумие (Remix) (Madness)
Белый танец (White Dance)
Бигги (Biggie)
Бинокль (Binoculars)
Воскресение (Resurrection)
Вспоминай (Remember)
Девочка-пришелец (Alien Girl)
Деньги не проблема (Money is not a Problem)
Дюны (Links)
Ещё один день (One More Day)
Золотой мальчик (Golden Boy)
Золушка (Cinderella)
Именно такой ’15 (That Way ’15)
Именно такой ’20 (That Way ’20)
Интерлюдия (Interlude)
Канкан (Cancan)
Конец света (End of the World)
Лабиринт отражений (Labyrinth of Reflections)
Мамонтёнок (Baby Mammoth)
Один (Alone)
Отброс (Garbage)
Парный дурак (Paired Fool)
Плевок в вечность (Spit Into Eternity)
Ползать (Crawl)
Поп-звезда (Pop-Star)
Пусть говорят (Let Them Talk)
Силовое поле (Force Field)
Синее (Blue)
Тело (Body)
Уровни (Levels)
Ууу (Fdd)
Фокус (Focus)
Цветная бумага (Color Paper)
Что-то ещё (Something Else)
Шест (Pole)
Trivia about ЛСП (LSP)
- What are the main songs by ЛСП (LSP)?
- The main songs by ЛСП (LSP) are “Тело (Body)”, “Безумие (Remix) (Madness)”, “Белый танец (White Dance)”, “Ползать (Crawl)”, and “Канкан (Cancan)”.
- What are the main albums by ЛСП (LSP)?
- The main albums by ЛСП (LSP) are “Tragic City”, “Magic City”, and “One More City”.
- What is the latest album by ЛСП (LSP)?
- The latest album by ЛСП (LSP) is “One More City”, released in 2020 with 14 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by ЛСП (LSP)?
- The oldest album by ЛСП (LSP) is “Magic City”, released in 2015 with 12 tracks.
- What is the most successful song by ЛСП (LSP)?
- The most popular song by ЛСП (LSP) is “Тело (Body)”, from the album “Tragic City”, released in 2017.
- How many albums has ЛСП (LSP) released?
- Between 2015 and 2020 ЛСП (LSP) released 4 Albums
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