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(Don't Need) Religion
A Long Time Ago (Intro)
A New Age
Alla Xul
Asphyxiation (Hands Of God)
Ave Satanas
Ave Satanas (1996 version)
Baptism for Devlyn Alexandra
Betrayed (A Broken Pact)
Black Sabbath
Blessed By Damnation
Blessed By Damnation (Live)
Blood Oath (Pactum Tacitum)
Bow Before Me
Church Of One
Concubina do Diabo
Countess Bathory (Venom Cover)
Cursed Nazarene
Daemonum Lux
Dawn Of Meggido (Celtic Frost Cover)
Devil's Black Blood
Devil's Child (Judas Priest Cover)
Enter Thy Coven
Enter Thy Coven (C.I.B.)
Evil Dead (Death Cover)
Final Harvest
Flag Of Hate (Kreator Cover)
Fuck the Ways of Christ
God is Dead
Godless (We Are Gods!)
Golgotha's Truth
Hekal Tiamat
I Am Heathen
Immortal Sigil
Inner Beasts
Inri (False Prophet)
Intro 1
Intro 1 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 10 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 2
Intro 2 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 3
Intro 3 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 4
Intro 4 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 5
Intro 5 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 6
Intro 6 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 7
Intro 7 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 8
Intro 8 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Intro 9 (Rites Of The Black Mass)
Jesus Wept (Again And Again)
Legions Of Hatred
Let Us Depart
Lifeforce (The Blood)
Millennium's End
Misanthropic Race
Necromanteion Communion
One With Darkness
Out of Body
Power And Might
Prayer of Hell
Purification Day
Raise The Dead (Bathory Cover)
Raptured To Divine Perversion
Rise Of Rebellion
Salvation Through Hatred
Satan Holds Dominion
Satanic Erotica
Seven Deadly Sins
Shemhamforash (The Ultimate Blasphemy)
Shurpu Kishpu
Slaughterization For Satan
Summoning The Master
The Apocalypse
The Calling
The Enochian Key
The Entity
The Kindred
Thou Art Lord
Thy Father Suicide
To Thee We Confess
To Thee We Confessll
Total War
Undead Celebration
Unholy Praises
Voices Within
War Machine (Kiss Cover)
Whores And Harlots
Wrathchild (Iron Maiden Cover)

Trivia about Acheron

What is the latest album by Acheron?
The latest album by Acheron is “Kult des Hasses”, released in 2014 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Acheron?
The oldest album by Acheron is “Those Who Have Risen” with 10 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Acheron?
The most popular song by Acheron is “Blessed By Damnation”, from the album “Anti-God, Anti-Christ”, released in 1996.
How many albums has Acheron released?
Between 1992 and 2014 Acheron released 10 Albums

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