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Trivia about Alceu Pires

What are the main songs by Alceu Pires?
The main songs by Alceu Pires are “O Jardineiro Que Chora”, “Abraão e Isaque”, and “No Arrebatar da Igreja”.
What is the latest album by Alceu Pires?
The latest album by Alceu Pires is “Doutor Jesus Cristo”, released in 1992 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Alceu Pires?
The oldest album by Alceu Pires is “Enlevos Divinos” with 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Alceu Pires?
The most popular song by Alceu Pires is “O Jardineiro Que Chora”.
How many albums has Alceu Pires released?
Between 1978 and 1992 Alceu Pires released 2 Albums

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