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Trivia about Anita Baker

What are the main songs by Anita Baker?
The main songs by Anita Baker are “Sweet Love”, “Caught Up in the Rapture”, “Giving You the Best That I Got”, and “Angel”.
What is the latest album by Anita Baker?
The latest album by Anita Baker is “Original Album Series”, released in 2011 with 50 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Anita Baker?
The oldest album by Anita Baker is “The Songstress”, released in 1983 with 8 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Anita Baker?
The most popular song by Anita Baker is “Sweet Love”, from the album “Rapture”, released in 1986.
How many albums has Anita Baker released?
Between 1983 and 2011 Anita Baker released 11 Albums

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