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Anthem Of The Dark
Apocalypse Revealed
Babylon Rise
Bastard Son
Black Eyed Children
Black Rain
Blood River
Bride of Christ
Burn Down The Wheel
Call Of The Wild
Cast in Grey
Child Of Rock 'n' Roll
Cold War Survivor
Concrete Heart
Dead Already
Desert Nights
Die Alone
Die on Stage
Disciples of the Dragon Lord
Evil is Forever
Evil Spirits Fly
Fear In Their Eyes
Fire And Flame
Fire In Our House
Forgive Me Father
Freedom War
From Satan With Love
From The Cradle To The Grave
Gates Of Light
God Is the Devil
Good vs. Bad
Greenfield Of Life
Hungry People
In Prison For Life
In Rock We Trust
In the Name of Rock
Let the Fire Burn
Light at the End of the Tunnel
London Caves
Lost Boy
Lost Crucifix
Man On The Rock
Mercenary Man
Metal DJ
Never Lost
New Revelation
Night of the Hunter
Night Of The Witch
Nigth Of The Hunter
Ocean Of Sand
Of The Son And The Father
Oliver Twist
Operation Freedom
Path To Delirium
Pearl Harbor
Pentecostal Bound
Planet Earth
Power And The Glory
Praise the bones
Proving Ground
Pull The Break
Raiders Of The Ark
Rainbow In Your Mind
Rainbow Warrior
Ride the Clouds
Seventh Crusade
Shores Of Solitude
Slaves to Ourselves
Slay The Dragon
So Many Day So Many Nights
So Many Days So Many Nights
Southern Conjuration
St. Peter's Cross
St. Petersburg
Suburban Song
Suicide Rime
Tears From a Titan
Testament Of Rock
The Battle Of Jacob's Ford
The Day After Yesterday
The Flame
The Gates Of Light
The Green Mile
The Healer
The Last Temptation of Christ
The Trojan Horse
This Must Be Paradise
Time To Rock
Tomorrow’s Dead
Triumph and Superiority
Wailing Wall
Waiting For The Master
Walker the Stalker
We Cry Out
When Darkness Comes
With A Stranger's Eye
Worship or Die

Trivia about Astral Doors

What is the latest album by Astral Doors?
The latest album by Astral Doors is “Worship or Die”, released in 2019 with 12 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Astral Doors?
The oldest album by Astral Doors is “Cloudbreaker”, released in 2003 with 13 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Astral Doors?
The most popular song by Astral Doors is “Forgive Me Father”, from the album “Worship or Die”, released in 2019.
How many albums has Astral Doors released?
Between 2003 and 2019 Astral Doors released 10 Albums

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