Carry On

Brian Haner, Jonathan Seward, Matthew Sanders, Zachary Baker

Lyrics Translation

Some people live out selfish desire
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow

They say we've lost our minds
We've just gained control

Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on

(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)

Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Battle the will of those who conspire
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow

Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold

Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on

Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bend in knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on

Carry on

Some people live out selfish desire
Algumas pessoas vivem por desejo egoísta
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Algumas escolhem gritar quando falam e serão a estrela
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Presos na chama daqueles em profundo fogo
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Procurando aqueles com uma voz, uma para o amanhã
They say we've lost our minds
Eles dizem que perdemos a razão
We've just gained control
Nós apenas ganhamos controle
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Procure incansavelmente, lute até sermos livres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Voe além da borda do mar
No bended knee
Sem joelho dobrado
No mockery
Sem zombaria
Somehow we still carry on
De alguma forma, ainda seguimos em frente
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Medo, medo, medo, medo, medo, medo)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Silencie seu medo, temos que subir mais alto
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Alto como as estrelas no céu, nos guiando
Battle the will of those who conspire
Lute contra a vontade daqueles que conspiram
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Recupere a paixão de viver, desapareça com a tristeza
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Destrua o crime perfeito deles, veja o poder se dobrar
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Procure incansavelmente, lute até sermos livres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Voe além da borda do mar
No bended knee
Sem joelho dobrado
No mockery
Sem zombaria
Somehow we still carry on
De alguma forma, ainda seguimos em frente
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Procure incansavelmente, lute até sermos livres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Voe além da borda do mar
No bend in knee
Sem dobrar o joelho
No mockery
Sem zombaria
Somehow we still carry on
De alguma forma, ainda seguimos em frente
Carry on
Continuamos em frente
Some people live out selfish desire
Algunas personas viven por el deseo egoísta
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Algunos eligen gritar cuando hablan y serán la estrella
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Atrapados en la llama de aquellos en profundo fuego
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Buscando a aquellos con una voz, una para el mañana
They say we've lost our minds
Dicen que hemos perdido la cabeza
We've just gained control
Solo hemos ganado control
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Busca sin cesar, lucha hasta que seamos libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vuela más allá del borde del mar
No bended knee
Sin rodilla doblada
No mockery
Sin burla
Somehow we still carry on
De alguna manera seguimos adelante
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Miedo, miedo, miedo, miedo, miedo, miedo)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Silencia tu miedo, tenemos que subir más alto
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Alto como las estrellas en el cielo, guiándonos a todos
Battle the will of those who conspire
Lucha contra la voluntad de aquellos que conspiran
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Recupera la pasión por vivir, desvanece la tristeza
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Destruye su crimen perfecto, observa cómo se doblega el poder
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Busca sin cesar, lucha hasta que seamos libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vuela más allá del borde del mar
No bended knee
Sin rodilla doblada
No mockery
Sin burla
Somehow we still carry on
De alguna manera seguimos adelante
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Busca sin cesar, lucha hasta que seamos libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vuela más allá del borde del mar
No bend in knee
Sin rodilla doblada
No mockery
Sin burla
Somehow we still carry on
De alguna manera seguimos adelante
Carry on
Seguimos adelante
Some people live out selfish desire
Certaines personnes vivent selon leur désir égoïste
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Certaines choisissent de crier quand elles parlent et elles seront la star
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Pris dans la flamme de ceux qui sont profondément en feu
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Cherchant ceux qui ont une voix, une pour demain
They say we've lost our minds
Ils disent que nous avons perdu la tête
We've just gained control
Nous venons de prendre le contrôle
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cherchez sans fin, combattez jusqu'à ce que nous soyons libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Volez au-delà du bord de la mer
No bended knee
Pas de genou fléchi
No mockery
Pas de moquerie
Somehow we still carry on
D'une manière ou d'une autre, nous continuons toujours
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Peur, peur, peur, peur, peur, peur)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Taisez votre peur, nous devons monter plus haut
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Haut comme les étoiles dans le ciel, nous guidant tous
Battle the will of those who conspire
Combattez la volonté de ceux qui conspirent
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Reprenez la passion de vivre, faites disparaître le chagrin
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Détruisez leur crime parfait, regardez le pouvoir se plier
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cherchez sans fin, combattez jusqu'à ce que nous soyons libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Volez au-delà du bord de la mer
No bended knee
Pas de genou fléchi
No mockery
Pas de moquerie
Somehow we still carry on
D'une manière ou d'une autre, nous continuons toujours
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cherchez sans fin, combattez jusqu'à ce que nous soyons libres
Fly past the edge of the sea
Volez au-delà du bord de la mer
No bend in knee
Pas de genou fléchi
No mockery
Pas de moquerie
Somehow we still carry on
D'une manière ou d'une autre, nous continuons toujours
Carry on
Some people live out selfish desire
Einige Menschen leben ihre egoistischen Wünsche aus
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Einige wählen es, zu schreien, wenn sie sprechen und sie werden der Star sein
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Gefangen in der Flamme derer, die tief im Feuer sind
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Suchen diejenigen mit einer Stimme, eine für morgen
They say we've lost our minds
Sie sagen, wir haben den Verstand verloren
We've just gained control
Wir haben gerade die Kontrolle gewonnen
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Suche endlos, kämpfe bis wir frei sind
Fly past the edge of the sea
Fliege über den Rand des Meeres hinaus
No bended knee
Kein gebeugtes Knie
No mockery
Keine Verhöhnung
Somehow we still carry on
Irgendwie machen wir trotzdem weiter
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Angst, Angst, Angst, Angst, Angst, Angst)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Schweige deine Angst, wir müssen höher hinaus
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Hoch wie die Sterne am Himmel, die uns alle leiten
Battle the will of those who conspire
Bekämpfe den Willen derer, die sich verschwören
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Nimm die Leidenschaft zum Leben zurück, lösche das Leid
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Zerstöre ihr perfektes Verbrechen, beobachte, wie die Macht zusammenbricht
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Suche endlos, kämpfe bis wir frei sind
Fly past the edge of the sea
Fliege über den Rand des Meeres hinaus
No bended knee
Kein gebeugtes Knie
No mockery
Keine Verhöhnung
Somehow we still carry on
Irgendwie machen wir trotzdem weiter
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Suche endlos, kämpfe bis wir frei sind
Fly past the edge of the sea
Fliege über den Rand des Meeres hinaus
No bend in knee
Kein gebeugtes Knie
No mockery
Keine Verhöhnung
Somehow we still carry on
Irgendwie machen wir trotzdem weiter
Carry on
Machen wir weiter
Some people live out selfish desire
Alcune persone vivono per il desiderio egoista
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Alcuni scelgono di urlare quando parlano e saranno la stella
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Intrappolati nella fiamma di quelli immersi nel fuoco
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Cercando quelli con una voce, una per il domani
They say we've lost our minds
Dicono che abbiamo perso la testa
We've just gained control
Abbiamo solo preso il controllo
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cerca senza fine, lotta fino a quando non siamo liberi
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vola oltre il bordo del mare
No bended knee
Nessun ginocchio piegato
No mockery
Nessuna derisione
Somehow we still carry on
In qualche modo continuiamo ancora
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Paura, paura, paura, paura, paura, paura)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Silenzia la tua paura, dobbiamo andare più in alto
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Alto come le stelle nel cielo, che ci guidano tutti
Battle the will of those who conspire
Combatti la volontà di coloro che cospirano
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Riprendi la passione per vivere, svanisce il dolore
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Distruggi il loro crimine perfetto, guarda il potere crollare
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cerca senza fine, lotta fino a quando non siamo liberi
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vola oltre il bordo del mare
No bended knee
Nessun ginocchio piegato
No mockery
Nessuna derisione
Somehow we still carry on
In qualche modo continuiamo ancora
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cerca senza fine, lotta fino a quando non siamo liberi
Fly past the edge of the sea
Vola oltre il bordo del mare
No bend in knee
Nessun ginocchio piegato
No mockery
Nessuna derisione
Somehow we still carry on
In qualche modo continuiamo ancora
Carry on
Some people live out selfish desire
Beberapa orang hidup dengan keinginan egois
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Beberapa memilih untuk berteriak saat mereka berbicara dan mereka akan menjadi bintang
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Tertangkap dalam nyala api mereka yang tenggelam dalam api
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
Mencari mereka yang memiliki suara, satu untuk esok hari
They say we've lost our minds
Mereka bilang kita telah kehilangan akal
We've just gained control
Kita baru saja mendapatkan kontrol
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cari tanpa henti, berjuang sampai kita bebas
Fly past the edge of the sea
Terbang melewati tepi laut
No bended knee
Tidak ada lutut yang ditekuk
No mockery
Tidak ada ejekan
Somehow we still carry on
Entah bagaimana kita masih bertahan
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(Ketakutan, ketakutan, ketakutan, ketakutan, ketakutan, ketakutan)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
Redam ketakutanmu, kita harus bergerak lebih tinggi
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Tinggi seperti bintang di langit, membimbing kita semua
Battle the will of those who conspire
Melawan kehendak mereka yang berkonspirasi
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Kembalikan semangat untuk hidup, hilangkan kesedihan
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Hancurkan kejahatan mereka yang sempurna, lihat kekuatan itu runtuh
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cari tanpa henti, berjuang sampai kita bebas
Fly past the edge of the sea
Terbang melewati tepi laut
No bended knee
Tidak ada lutut yang ditekuk
No mockery
Tidak ada ejekan
Somehow we still carry on
Entah bagaimana kita masih bertahan
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Cari tanpa henti, berjuang sampai kita bebas
Fly past the edge of the sea
Terbang melewati tepi laut
No bend in knee
Tidak ada lutut yang ditekuk
No mockery
Tidak ada ejekan
Somehow we still carry on
Entah bagaimana kita masih bertahan
Carry on
Tetap bertahan
Some people live out selfish desire
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
ค้นหาผู้ที่มีเสียง ผู้ที่มีเสียงสำหรับวันพรุ่งนี้
They say we've lost our minds
We've just gained control
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
ค้นหาอย่างไม่รู้จบ สู้จนกว่าเราจะเป็นอิสระ
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
อย่างไรก็ตาม เรายังคงทนต่อไป
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
(ความกลัว, ความกลัว, ความกลัว, ความกลัว, ความกลัว, ความกลัว)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
ทำให้ความกลัวของคุณเงียบ เราต้องขยับขึ้นสูงขึ้น
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
สูงเหมือนดาวในท้องฟ้า ที่แนะนำเราทั้งหมด
Battle the will of those who conspire
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
เอาความหลงใหลในชีวิตกลับมา ลบความเศร้าออกไป
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
ทำลายอาชญากรรมที่สมบูรณ์แบบของพวกเขา ดูอำนาจพับเก็บ
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
ค้นหาอย่างไม่รู้จบ สู้จนกว่าเราจะเป็นอิสระ
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
อย่างไรก็ตาม เรายังคงทนต่อไป
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
ค้นหาอย่างไม่รู้จบ สู้จนกว่าเราจะเป็นอิสระ
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bend in knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
อย่างไรก็ตาม เรายังคงทนต่อไป
Carry on
Some people live out selfish desire
Some choose to shout when they speak and they'll be the star
Caught in the flame of those deep in fire
Seeking out those with a voice, one for tomorrow
They say we've lost our minds
We've just gained control
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
(Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear)
Silence your fear, we've got to move higher
High like the stars in the sky, guiding us all
Battle the will of those who conspire
Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow
Destroy their perfect crime, watch the power fold
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bended knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
Search endlessly, fight 'til we're free
Fly past the edge of the sea
No bend in knee
No mockery
Somehow we still carry on
Carry on

Trivia about the song Carry On by Avenged Sevenfold

On which albums was the song “Carry On” released by Avenged Sevenfold?
Avenged Sevenfold released the song on the albums “Carry on (Call of Duty: Black Ops II Version)” in 2012, “The Best of 2005-2013” in 2016, and “Black Reign” in 2018.
Who composed the song “Carry On” by Avenged Sevenfold?
The song “Carry On” by Avenged Sevenfold was composed by Brian Haner, Jonathan Seward, Matthew Sanders, Zachary Baker.

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