Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará

2019 • Album

Most popular songs of Banda Amor Perfeito

Trivia about the album Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará by Banda Amor Perfeito

In what year was the album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” released by Banda Amor Perfeito?
The album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” was released in 2019 by Banda Amor Perfeito, featuring 21 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” by Banda Amor Perfeito?
Te amo demais” is the biggest hit from the album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” by Banda Amor Perfeito.
What are the main songs from the album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” by Banda Amor Perfeito?
The main songs from the album “Ao Vivo Em Belém do Pará” by Banda Amor Perfeito are “Te amo demais”, “Minha jóia rara”, “Bem querer”, “Vida”, and “Love Louco”.

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