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American Waste
Annihilate (Live)
Annihilate This Week
Armageddon Man
Bastard in Love
Beat My Head Against the Wall
Best One Yet
Black Coffee
Black Love
Blood and Ashes
Can't Decide
Clocked In
Crazy Girl
Damaged I
Damaged II
Down in the Dirt
Drinking and Driving
Drinkink And Driving
Family Man
Fix Me
Forever Time
Get Out of My Way
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
Hollywood Diary
I Can See You
I Can't Decide
I Don't Care
I Love You
I Won’t Stick Any of You Unless and Until I Can Stick All of You (Live)
I'm the One
I've Had It
I've Heard It Before
In My Head
It's All Up to You
It’s So Absurd
Jealous Again
Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
Life of Pain
Loose Nut
Louie Louie
Louie, Louie
Modern Man
My Ghetto
My Heart’s Pumping
My Rules (Ron Reyes Version)
My War
Nervous Breakdown
No Deposit - No Return
No More
No Teeth
No Values
Nothing Left Inside
Now Is the Time
Now She's Black
Off My Shoulders
Out of This World
Padded Cell
Police Story
Rat's Eyes
Retired at 21
Rise Above
Room 13
Salt On a Slug
Shed Reading (Rattus Norvegicus)
Shut Up
Six Pack
Slip It In
Slip It In/Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie (Live)
Slow Your Ass Down
Society's Tease
Spray Paint
Swinging Man (Live)
Teh Crazy Girl
The Bars
The Chase
The Crazy Girl
The Swinging Man
Thirsty and Miserable
This Is Good
This Is Hell
Three Nights
To Hell and Back
TV Party
Wallow in Despair
What I See
White Hot
White Minority
Wound Up
You Bet We've Got Something Against You!
You Bet We've Got Something Personal Against You!
You Let Me Down
You’re Not Evil

Trivia about Black Flag

What are the main songs by Black Flag?
The main songs by Black Flag are “My War”, “Rise Above”, “TV Party”, “Six Pack”, and “Nervous Breakdown”.
What is the latest album by Black Flag?
The latest album by Black Flag is “What The...”, released in 2013 with 15 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Black Flag?
The oldest album by Black Flag is “Nervous Breakdown”, released in 1979 with 4 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Black Flag?
The most popular song by Black Flag is “My War”, from the album “Live 84”, released in 1984.
How many albums has Black Flag released?
Between 1979 and 2013 Black Flag released 17 Albums

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