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Trivia about BOL4

What are the main songs by BOL4?
The main songs by BOL4 are “나의 사춘기에게 (To My Youth)”, “썸 탈꺼야 (Some)”, and “여행 (Travel)”.
What is the latest album by BOL4?
The latest album by BOL4 is “Merry Go Round”, released in 2023 with 5 tracks.
What is the oldest album by BOL4?
The oldest album by BOL4 is “Half Album RED ICKLE”, released in 2016 with 5 tracks.
What is the most successful song by BOL4?
The most popular song by BOL4 is “나의 사춘기에게 (To My Youth)”, from the album “Red Diary Page.1”, released in 2017.
How many albums has BOL4 released?
Between 2016 and 2023 BOL4 released 12 Albums

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