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Trivia about Celly Campello

What are the main songs by Celly Campello?
The main songs by Celly Campello are “Banho de Lua”, “Estúpido Cupido”, “Biquini de Bolinha Amarelinha”, “Lacinhos Cor de Rosa”, and “Broto Legal”.
What is the latest album by Celly Campello?
The latest album by Celly Campello is “Jovem Guarda: Brôto Certinho”, released in 2005 with 13 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Celly Campello?
The oldest album by Celly Campello is “A Bonequinha Que Canta”, released in 1960 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Celly Campello?
The most popular song by Celly Campello is “Banho de Lua”, from the album “Celly Campello”, released in 1976.
How many albums has Celly Campello released?
Between 1960 and 2005 Celly Campello released 9 Albums

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