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Trivia about Chico da Silva

What are the main songs by Chico da Silva?
The main songs by Chico da Silva are “Tempo Bom”, “É preciso muito amor”, “Pandeiro é meu nome”, “O Amor Está No Ar”, and “Esquadrão do Samba”.
What is the latest album by Chico da Silva?
The latest album by Chico da Silva is “A Popularidade de Chico da Silva”, released in 1999 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Chico da Silva?
The oldest album by Chico da Silva is “Samba: Quem Sabe Diz...”, released in 1977 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Chico da Silva?
The most popular song by Chico da Silva is “Tempo Bom”, from the album “Os Afazeres”, released in 1981.
How many albums has Chico da Silva released?
Between 1977 and 1999 Chico da Silva released 4 Albums

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