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'Til It Happens To You
A Spell, A Prayer
Another Rainy Day
Are You Here
Been To The Moon
Before the Throne of the Invisible God
Black Rainbows
Butterfly [Live]
Call Me When You Get This
Call Me When You Get This [Live]
Choux Pastry Heart
Choux Pastry Heart [Live]
Diving for Hearts
Do You Ever Think Of Me?
Feels Just Like The First Time
Feels Like the First Time
Green Aphrodisiac
He Will Follow You With His Eyes
Hey, I Won't Break Your Heart
Horse Print Dress
I Wanna Be Your Lover
I Won't Let You Lie to Yourself
I won´t let you lie to yourself
I Would Like to Call It Beauty
I'd Do It All Again
I'd Like To
I'd Like To Call It Beauty
I'm Losing You
Ice Cream Colours
If I Don't
In the Dark
Is This Love
Is This Love? (Bob Marley cover)
It Be’s That Way Sometime
Like a Star
Little Wing
Love's on Its Way
Low Red Moon
My Love
New York Transit Queen
No Love Child
Nothing’s Ever Gonna Be Good Enough (feat. Miles Kane)
Paper Dolls
Paris Night/New York Mornings
Paris Nights/New York Mornings
Peach Velvet Sky
Push On for the Dawn
Put It Down
Put Your Records On
Que Sera Sera
Que Sera Sera [Live]
Red Horse
Seasons Change
Since I've Been Loving You
Spell, a Prayer
Steady As She Goes
Stop Where You Are
Taken By Dreams
Tell Me
The Blackest Lily
The Scientist
The Sea
The Skies Will Break
Till It Happens to You
Trouble Sleeping
Venus As a Boy
Venus as a Boy (Q Covermount)
Walk On
You Are (feat. Corinne Bailey Rae & UMI)
Young & Foolish
Your Love Is Mine

Trivia about Corinne Bailey Rae

What are the main songs by Corinne Bailey Rae?
The main songs by Corinne Bailey Rae are “Put Your Records On”, “Like a Star”, “My Love”, “Is This Love”, and “Breathless”.
What is the latest album by Corinne Bailey Rae?
The latest album by Corinne Bailey Rae is “Black Rainbows”, released in 2023 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Corinne Bailey Rae?
The oldest album by Corinne Bailey Rae is “Corinne Bailey Rae”, released in 2006 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Corinne Bailey Rae?
The most popular song by Corinne Bailey Rae is “Put Your Records On”, from the album “Trouble Sleeping”, released in 2006.
How many albums has Corinne Bailey Rae released?
Between 2006 and 2023 Corinne Bailey Rae released 8 Albums

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