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Trivia about Evaldo Braga

What are the main songs by Evaldo Braga?
The main songs by Evaldo Braga are “A Cruz Que Carrego”, “Sorria, Sorria”, “Noite Cheia de Estrelas”, “Eu Não Sou Lixo”, and “A Vida Passando Por Mim”.
What is the latest album by Evaldo Braga?
The latest album by Evaldo Braga is “Novo Millennium: Evaldo Braga”, released in 2005 with 20 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Evaldo Braga?
The oldest album by Evaldo Braga is “O Ídolo Negro”, released in 1971 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Evaldo Braga?
The most popular song by Evaldo Braga is “A Cruz Que Carrego”, from the album “O Ídolo Negro”, released in 1971.
How many albums has Evaldo Braga released?
Between 1971 and 2005 Evaldo Braga released 7 Albums

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