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Trivia about Fátima Souza

What are the main songs by Fátima Souza?
The main songs by Fátima Souza are “Corpo Santo (part. Eliana Ribeiro)”, “Não Deixe de Sonhar (part. Juninho Cassimiro)”, “Armadura do Cristão (part. Eliana Ribeiro)”, “Meu Céu”, and “Sacrifício de Amor”.
What is the latest album by Fátima Souza?
The latest album by Fátima Souza is “Epifania”, released in 2015 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Fátima Souza?
The oldest album by Fátima Souza is “Sem Ti nada posso”, released in 2013 with 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Fátima Souza?
The most popular song by Fátima Souza is “Corpo Santo (part. Eliana Ribeiro)”, from the album “Sem Ti nada posso”, released in 2013.
How many albums has Fátima Souza released?
Between 2013 and 2015 Fátima Souza released 2 Albums

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