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A Unção
Acreditar Em Quem Tem Todo o Poder
Agora É Festa
Amado Pai
Believe In Who Has All Power
Beloved Father
Bože Můj, Máme Tě Rádi
Difícil de Entender
Dios Mío, Eres Amado
Direto do Coração
Ele Vem
Eu Te Louvarei
Father's Heart
Guð Minn Þú Ert Ást
Help Me Sir
Hinos Pentecostais
I Love My Lord
I Was Poor Now I'm Rich
Light Of The World Won The Darkness
Love So Great
May Good Bless
Me Ama
Medilley Pentecostal
Mein Gott Sie Geliebt Werden
Mijn God Je Bent Geliefd
Mio Dio Sono Amati
Mo Dhia Tá Tú Grá
Mój Boże, Jesteś Kochany
Mon Dieu Que Vous Êtes Aimés
My Jesus I Love You
Não Desista
Nicht Aufgeben
No Te Rindas
Not Give Up
Nunca Irei Saber
Of My Ideals
Pas Abandonner
Te Amo
Terra Santa
The rapture
To Him Be Glory
What Time Is This?
When The Music Stops
Why I Love
Will My Son, Go Because You Are Cured
Your Body Is Light
Trivia about Guilherme Freitas
- What is the latest album by Guilherme Freitas?
- The latest album by Guilherme Freitas is “My God is Good!”, released in 2011 with 11 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by Guilherme Freitas?
- The oldest album by Guilherme Freitas is “My God is Good!”, released in 2011 with 11 tracks.
- What is the most successful song by Guilherme Freitas?
- The most popular song by Guilherme Freitas is “Why I Love”.
- How many albums has Guilherme Freitas released?
- In 2011 Guilherme Freitas released 2 Albums
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