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A Desert Called Peace
Absence Of Truth
Adversary of Bigotry
Birthright Abolished
Blight and Conquer
Blind Obedience
Blood Tribute
Breathe the Dust of Their Dead
Burning Bright
Caged Into Falsehood
Cast the First Stone
Celebrating Collective Terror
Conjuration Sworn
Damnatio Memoriae
Dawn Of Cerberus
Decimate the Ancestry of the Only God
Deprave to Redeem
Deranged Parasites
Desecrated Souls
Devotion for Tyranny
Drowned In The Abyss Of Ignorance
Dura Lex Sed Lex
End Of Relief
Enlightened Submission
Exiled Innocence
Fall of the Servants
Fallen from Ivory Towers
Far Beyond Humiliation
Flames of Merciless Gods
Frail as the Flesh of Christ
From Hate To Suffering
Hideously Conceived
Hierarchy Of The Fools
Horn of Flies
Incestuous Dynasty of Worms
Incontrovertible Doctrines
Inhaling Disbelief
Iron Fist
Lamb of the Seven Sins
Life In A Pain Amplifier
Liturgy Of Deceiver
Liturgy of Deceivers
Malevolence of the Righteous
Monarch of Heresy
Mystification As Law
Naked Knife Absolution
Occult Den of Snakes
Parasitic Chain of Command
Redeemer of Atrocity
Reforging the Crowns
Resurgence of the Empire
Rise And Oppress
Sealed into Ecstasy
Sedition Through Scorn
Shreds Of Martyr
Shroud of Ashes
Slavery In A Deaf Decay
Soul Addicted
Sovereign Nation
Spears of Sacred Doom
Spiralling Into Decline
Spiritual Ravishment
The Cannibal Gods
The Chains of Misdeed
The Holy Betrayal
The Morality of Warfare
The Ravenous Heralds
The Seas of Light
The Second Babel
The Sun Worship
The Uncorrupted Ones
The Woeful Eucharisty
Thousand of Christs
Thousands of Christs
Towards Our Storm
Wall of Cohorts
XXI Century Imperial Crusade

Trivia about Hour of Penance

What is the latest album by Hour of Penance?
The latest album by Hour of Penance is “Devotion”, released in 2024 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Hour of Penance?
The oldest album by Hour of Penance is “Disturbance”, released in 2003 with 9 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Hour of Penance?
The most popular song by Hour of Penance is “Blight and Conquer”, from the album “Misotheism”, released in 2019.
How many albums has Hour of Penance released?
Between 2003 and 2024 Hour of Penance released 9 Albums

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