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Trivia about Intoxicados

What are the main songs by Intoxicados?
The main songs by Intoxicados are “Una Vela”, “Fuiste lo Mejor”, and “Nunca Quise”.
What is the latest album by Intoxicados?
The latest album by Intoxicados is “Otra Noche en la Luna (Episodio II)”, released in 2021 with 15 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Intoxicados?
The oldest album by Intoxicados is “Buen Día”, released in 2001 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Intoxicados?
The most popular song by Intoxicados is “Una Vela”, from the album “No Es Solo Rock and Roll”, released in 2003.
How many albums has Intoxicados released?
Between 2001 and 2021 Intoxicados released 6 Albums

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