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5 O'Clock World
A Crack In the Clouds
Ain’t But The One Way
Ain’t No Gettin’ Round Gettin’ Round
All the Yin-Yangs that Give it Away
An Elegant Chaos
Autogeddon Blues
Bandy’s First Jump
Beautiful Love
Bill Drummond Said
Charlotte Anne
Cunts Can Fuck Off
Don’t Call Me Mark Chapman
Double Vegetation
Drive, She Said
East Easy Rider
Easter Everywhere
Eve’s Volcano
Fear Loves This Place
Gimme Back My Flag
Hanging Out & Hung Up On The Line
Head Hang Low
Hey High Class Butcher
Holy Love
I Gotta Walk
I’m Bloody Sure You’re on Dope
I’m Your Daddy
If You Loved Me At All
Julian H. Cope
Just Like Pooh Bear
Know (Cut My Friend Down)
Kolly Kibber’s Birthday
Las Vegas Basement
Laughing Boy
Lunatic and Fire-Pistol
Me Singing
Metranil Vavin
No Hard Shoulder to Cry On
O King of Chaos
Passionate Friend
Peggy Suicide Is Missing
Planet Ride
Poet Is Priest...
Promised Land
Reynard the Fox
Saint Julian
Screaming Secrets
Search Party
Shot Down
Slow Rider
Soldier Blue
Soul Desert
Sunshine Playroom
The American Lite
The Bloody Assizes
The Greatness and Perfection of Love
The Mystery Trend
The Subtle Energies Commission
The Tower
Trampolene [Warne Out Mix]
Try Try Try
Upwards at 45 Degrees
Western Front 1992 C.E.
When I Walk Through the Land of Fear
World Shut Your Mouth
World Shut Your Mouth
World Shut Your Mouth
Wreck My Car

Trivia about Julian Cope

What is the latest album by Julian Cope?
The latest album by Julian Cope is “England Expectorates”, released in 2022 with 3 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Julian Cope?
The oldest album by Julian Cope is “Fried”, released in 1984 with 13 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Julian Cope?
The most popular song by Julian Cope is “Las Vegas Basement”, from the album “Peggy Suicide”, released in 1991.
How many albums has Julian Cope released?
Between 1984 and 2022 Julian Cope released 10 Albums

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