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Trivia about Keila Miranda

What are the main songs by Keila Miranda?
The main songs by Keila Miranda are “Clamor Dos Perdidos”, “O Choro Dura Uma Noite”, “De Pai Pra Filho”, and “História de Vitória”.
What is the latest album by Keila Miranda?
The latest album by Keila Miranda is “Pra Glória de Deus”, released in 2016 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Keila Miranda?
The oldest album by Keila Miranda is “Angelical Trombeta”, released in 1988 with 10 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Keila Miranda?
The most popular song by Keila Miranda is “Clamor Dos Perdidos”, from the album “Canto dos Serafins”, released in 1999.
How many albums has Keila Miranda released?
Between 1988 and 2016 Keila Miranda released 8 Albums

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