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ごめんね ごめんね (gomenne gomenne) (I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
ソワカの声 (Voices of Svaahaa) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
2023 • きくおミク7 (Kikuo Miku 7)
ナイフ、ナイフ、ナイフ (Knife, Knife, Knife) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
2023 • きくおミク7 (Kikuo Miku 7)
見つかんない見つかんない (Missing, Missing)
2023 • きくおミク7 (Kikuo Miku 7)
あなぐらぐらし (Hole Dwelling)
2019 • きくおミク6 (Kikuo Miku 6)
2018 • きくおミク5 (Kikuo Miku 5)
わたあめ (Cotton Candy) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
2019 • きくおミク6 (Kikuo Miku 6)
イイコと妖狐 (ii ko to youko) (Good Kid and a Fox Spirit)
愛して愛して愛して (aishite aishite aishite) (Love Me, Love Me, Love Me)
宇宙猫溺死 (Universe Cat Drowning) (feat. Shizuku Aosaki)
溺れる宇宙猫 (Universe Cat Drowning) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
天国へ行こう (Tengoku He Ikou) (Let's Go To Heaven)
そして君は月になった (Soshite Kimi Wa Tsuki Ni Natta) (And Then You Became The Moon)
世界で一番優しい死神 (Sekai de Ichiban Yasashii Shinigami) (The Kindest Grim Reaper In The World)
昇る月、沈む太陽 (Noboru Tsuki, Shizumu Taiyou) (Rising Moon, Setting Sun)
月の妖怪 (Moon Demon) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
2011 • きくおミク (Kikuo Miku)
All Songs
70億人の頭の上に風船を (70 okunin no atama no ue ni fuusen o) (Balloons Over the Heads of 7 Billion People)
Infinite Dreamer (feat. Hatsune Miku)
あなぐらぐらし (Hole Dwelling)
イイコと妖狐 (ii ko to youko) (Good Kid and a Fox Spirit)
うらみのワルツ (Waltz of Malice)
カエルのおどり (kaeru no odori) (Dance of the Frogs)
カラカラカラのカラ(kara kara kara no kara) (Emptiness, Emptiness, Emptiness of Emptiness)
きらいきらいきらいって (I Hate You, I Hate You, I Hate You, I Hate You, or So I Say)
ごめんね ごめんね (gomenne gomenne) (I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
しかばねの踊り (shikabane no odori) (Corpse Dance)
そして君は月になった (Soshite Kimi Wa Tsuki Ni Natta) (And Then You Became The Moon)
ソワカの声 (Voices of Svaahaa) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
ナイフ、ナイフ、ナイフ (Knife, Knife, Knife) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
のぼれ! すすめ! 高い塔 (nobore! susume! takaitou) (Climb! Advance! To the Tall Tower)
はじまりとおわりのうた (hajimari to owari no uta) (The Song of the Beginning and the End)
バツ猫 (XxX Cat)
ボクを忘れた空想紀行 (Boku o Wasureta Kuusou Kikou) (The Fantasy Travelogue In Which I Was Forgotten)
ぽっかんカラー (Pokkan Color) (feat. Tone Rion)
ライライライ (Lie Lie Lie) (Vocaloid Version) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
わたあめ (Cotton Candy) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
を食べて (watashi wo tabete) (Eat Me)
不幸屋の娘 (fukouya no musume) (The Girl Who Sells Misfortune)
世界で一番優しい死神 (Sekai de Ichiban Yasashii Shinigami) (The Kindest Grim Reaper In The World)
僕をそんな目で見ないで (boku o sonna me de minaide) (Don't Look at Me in That Way)
光よ (hikari yo) (O Light)
君が死んでも許してあげるよ (kimi ga shinde mo yurushite ageru yo) (I'll Forgive You Even if You Die)
君はできない子 (kimi wa dekinai ko) (You're a Worthless Child)
塵塵呪詛 (Chiri Chiri Jusoo) (Dust Dust Curse)
夜のうた (yoru no uta) (Night Song)
天国へ行こう (Tengoku He Ikou) (Let's Go To Heaven)
学校を休んだ日のこと (When I Was Absent from School)
宇宙猫溺死 (Universe Cat Drowning) (feat. Shizuku Aosaki)
幸福な死を (Koufuku na Shi o) (A Happy Death)
悪いことはしちゃいけないよ (We Should Not do Bad Things) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
愛して愛して愛して (aishite aishite aishite) (Love Me, Love Me, Love Me)
昇る月、沈む太陽 (Noboru Tsuki, Shizumu Taiyou) (Rising Moon, Setting Sun)
星くずの掃除婦 (Cleaning Lady of Stardust) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
月の妖怪 (Moon Demon) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
楽しい楽しい悪夢へおいで (Tanoshii Tanoshii Akumu e Oide) (Come To The Fun, Fun Nightmare)
水の中で (Mizu No Naka De) (Inside The Water)
溺れる宇宙猫 (Universe Cat Drowning) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
無重力になって (Becoming Weightless) (feat. Hatsune Miku)
物をぱらぱら壊す (Breaking Things Into Pieces)
物をぱらぱら壊す (mono wo parapara kowasu) (Breaking Things into Pieces)
猫の食卓 (The Cat's Dining Table)
見つかんない見つかんない (Missing, Missing)
赤ずきんの狼 (Akazukin no Ookami) (Red Riding Hood's Wolf)
Trivia about Kikuo
- What is the latest album by Kikuo?
- The latest album by Kikuo is “きくおミク7 (Kikuo Miku 7)”, released in 2023 with 11 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by Kikuo?
- The oldest album by Kikuo is “きくおミク (Kikuo Miku)”, released in 2011 with 12 tracks.
- What is the most successful song by Kikuo?
- The most popular song by Kikuo is “ごめんね ごめんね (gomenne gomenne) (I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry) (feat. Hatsune Miku)”.
- How many albums has Kikuo released?
- Between 2011 and 2023 Kikuo released 7 Albums
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