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Trivia about Lucas Souza

What are the main songs by Lucas Souza?
The main songs by Lucas Souza are “Estrela da Manhã”, “És Real Pra Mim”, “Grande É Nosso Deus”, “Eu Vou Ficar Aqui”, and “Eu Quero Ir”.
What is the latest album by Lucas Souza?
The latest album by Lucas Souza is “Todos Juntos Por Você”, released in 2010 with 12 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Lucas Souza?
The oldest album by Lucas Souza is “Capturado” with 11 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Lucas Souza?
The most popular song by Lucas Souza is “Estrela da Manhã”, from the album “Caminho de Revolução”, released in 2005.
How many albums has Lucas Souza released?
Between 2005 and 2010 Lucas Souza released 4 Albums

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