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Trivia about Mr. Gyn

What are the main songs by Mr. Gyn?
The main songs by Mr. Gyn are “Minha Juventude”, “Sonhando”, “Onde Estiver”, “Final da Minha Juventude”, and “A Minha Paz”.
What is the latest album by Mr. Gyn?
The latest album by Mr. Gyn is “Cada Dia”, released in 2004 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Mr. Gyn?
The oldest album by Mr. Gyn is “A Historia Continua” with 11 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Mr. Gyn?
The most popular song by Mr. Gyn is “Minha Juventude”, from the album “Cada Dia”, released in 2004.
How many albums has Mr. Gyn released?
In 2004 Mr. Gyn released 2 Albums

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