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Trivia about Os Gauchinhos

What are the main songs by Os Gauchinhos?
The main songs by Os Gauchinhos are “Barrabás”, “10x0 pra Jesus”, “Nada me separará do amor de Deus”, “Na Casa do Rei”, and “Clínica da alma”.
What is the latest album by Os Gauchinhos?
The latest album by Os Gauchinhos is “Tua Graça Me Basta”, released in 2019 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Os Gauchinhos?
The oldest album by Os Gauchinhos is “Mora Em Mim” with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Os Gauchinhos?
The most popular song by Os Gauchinhos is “Barrabás”, from the album “Os Gauchinhos de Deus (Vol. 3)”, released in 2007.
How many albums has Os Gauchinhos released?
Between 2001 and 2019 Os Gauchinhos released 5 Albums

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