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Trivia about Os Mateadores

What are the main songs by Os Mateadores?
The main songs by Os Mateadores are “Romance do Peão Posteiro”, “Depois Da Lida”, “Repartindo a Tarecama”, “Sob O Manto das Estrelas”, and “Mil Anos Pra Te Amar”.
What is the latest album by Os Mateadores?
The latest album by Os Mateadores is “O Gaúcho e a História”, released in 2020 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Os Mateadores?
The oldest album by Os Mateadores is “Coisas de Tchê”, released in 1986 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Os Mateadores?
The most popular song by Os Mateadores is “Romance do Peão Posteiro”, from the album “15 Anos - Num Tranco de Vaneira”, released in 2000.
How many albums has Os Mateadores released?
Between 1986 and 2020 Os Mateadores released 18 Albums

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