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8 A.M Departure
A Friend of Mine
All Senses Lost
All You Need Is Drums to Start a Dance Party
American Hearts
Anthem of New Boston
Chris Rodgers
David Lee Rock
Dirty Harry and the Thunderbolts
Don’t Tell Me Nothing
Fat and Skinny Asses
Fear and Loathing on Cape Cod
Get Old or Die Trying
Getting Mugged And Loving It
Giddy Like A School Girl
Giddy Like A Schoolgirl
Giving Cup
Grace Kelly With Wings
Haven't Tried It
Hillary Dresser
Holden Caufield
Human Taste Test
If Marcus Garvey Dies, Then Marcus Garvey Lives
In Like a Lamb and out Like a Lion
It's Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Jula Bell
Just A Simple Plan
Just Wonderin'
Karate Chops For Everyone But Us
King Of The Road
King of the Road [Live]
Left Behind
Life On The Farm
Location Is Everything
Long Nights
Look, I Just Don't Like You
Make It Up to You
Mess With The Bulls
Mount Pleasant
Nature Wins
New Coke
No One Else
Oh, Johnny
Oh, The Congestion
On and On
One Hundred Percent Good
Our Very Own Employment Office
Part II: The Noreaster
Part of Your Body Is Made Out of Rock
Present Tense
Put Your Slippers on Instead
Rich People Can Breed
Rich People Can't Breed
Rock Revolution
Roll On
Rules for Mules
Sandpaper Steering Wheel
Sex Sells And (Unfortunately) I'm Buying
Shark Attack
Small Town Outside Of Boston
Small Ttown Outside Of Boston
Still We Let It Choke Us
The Benefits of Ice Cream
The Christmas Song
The Jealous Guy Blues
The King
The Monkey Versus the Robot
The Rock Revolution
The Sea and a Lifesaver
The Six Eighter
The Song That Launched 1,000 Ships
The Song That Launched a Thousand Ships
The Stalker
There's Always Something Better To Do (The Strutter)
They Don't Understand Us at the Academy
Time Lost
Two Rocking Chairs on a Porch
We Believe in Karma
Where Have All the Classics Gone?
You Won't Be Seeing Me Again
You Wouldn't Be A Piece Without Your Moustache

Trivia about Piebald

What is the latest album by Piebald?
The latest album by Piebald is “Volume Ii”, released in 2010 with 29 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Piebald?
The oldest album by Piebald is “Sometimes Friends Fight”, released in 1996 with 5 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Piebald?
The most popular song by Piebald is “Long Nights”, from the album “We Are The Only Friends We Have”, released in 2006.
How many albums has Piebald released?
Between 1996 and 2010 Piebald released 11 Albums

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