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Trivia about Ricardinho

What are the main songs by Ricardinho?
The main songs by Ricardinho are “Uma Chance”, “Eu Quero Ter Você de Volta”, “Dona do Meu Pensamento”, “A gente tem tudo a ver”, and “Fazendo Falta”.
What is the latest album by Ricardinho?
The latest album by Ricardinho is “Sou Eu”, released in 2016 with 15 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Ricardinho?
The oldest album by Ricardinho is “Ricardinho”, released in 2003 with 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Ricardinho?
The most popular song by Ricardinho is “Uma Chance”, from the album “Uma Chance (Ao Vivo)”, released in 2009.
How many albums has Ricardinho released?
Between 2003 and 2016 Ricardinho released 4 Albums

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