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Trivia about Scarcéus

What are the main songs by Scarcéus?
The main songs by Scarcéus are “Seu”, “Vamos Vamos Cruzeiro”, “Guerreiro dos Gramados”, “Be There As It May”, and “Caminhos”.
What is the latest album by Scarcéus?
The latest album by Scarcéus is “Assim Como Você”, released in 2011 with 12 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Scarcéus?
The oldest album by Scarcéus is “Todos Os Céus”, released in 2003 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Scarcéus?
The most popular song by Scarcéus is “Seu”, from the album “A Mesma Moeda”, released in 2008.
How many albums has Scarcéus released?
Between 2003 and 2011 Scarcéus released 6 Albums

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