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A Life That Cannot Contact You
After All, The Face Is Justice.
Alone Summer Festival
Are You Happy?
Back To Childhood
Bad Example
Can't Stop Escapism
Can't Stop Loving You
Cannot Communicate
Cheap Woman
Cheating Is a Crime
Date Me! Not Them
Deai-kei Wo Shinyou Suru Na.
Depressed Because Of You
Depression Story
Desperately Want a Lover
Don't Want To Get Hurt Anymore
Don’t Take Away People You Love
Dry Emotion
Escaped Through Wrist Cut
Eternal Masturbation
Everyone Genius
Everything Is Boring/zenbu Kudaranee
Fake Smiles Kill Oneself
Fell In Love With Two Dimensions
Flunky, Henchman
From Ex-lover To Sex-friend
Fuckin Ex Girlfriend
Get Lost! Face-Judgers
Give Me a Dokodemo Door
Go Away, Menstrual Pain
Heaven (天国さん)
High Grade Vagina
I Am Your Toy
I Can Never Forget You
I Don't Care If You Dislike Me
I Don't Understand The Meaning Of Life
I Don't Want To Be Jealous Anymore
I Don't Want To Believe The Marriage Of My Favorite Person
I Hate Happy People
I Hate My Face
I Hate Myself for Being Jealous
I Hate to Honest You
I Love You, Even We’re Sex-Friend
I Loved You and Lost
I Misunderstand Too Much
I Support You Like a Fall in Love
I Wanna Be a Star
I Want To End My Life
I Want to Lose Weight
I'll Hide My Face With a Mask Today
In My Brain You Are Dead
In the Brain Stained With Blood
Internet Love Is Wonderful
Isn’t Menhera a God?
It Was a Halfway Love
It's Okay To Envy/ Date me! Not them
It's Okay To Social Misfit!
It's True Love
It’s Okay To Be Dumb
It’s Okay to Envy
Just Disappear
Just Hide
Just Live
Ketsueki Denpa
Kill Boyfriend
Killed By Period Pains and Depression
Kyoushitsu No Yasai Ni Korosareru
Let Me Go Afterlife
Let's Do Muscle Training If You Get Sick
Life Is a Bitch!
Loder Dreaming
Loneliness! (ろんりねす!)
Look Only At Me
Love Beam!
Love Doesn’t Have Rules
Love U Drill!
Love You and Your Violence
Love You Forever
Love You Syndrome
Magic Room
Mango From the Wrist
Mastered Fan Activity
Min' na kuzu da
My Favorite Human Is God
My Heart Gets Dirty.
Mysterious Husband
Negative Recycling
Not Afraid
Not Attending School But Living
Obsession Love
Oshi Nante Daikirai da.
Persecution Complex
Please Do Not Overdo
Please Love Me Only
Please love me!
Processing Selfie Magic
Resentful Life (人生を恨む)
Rotten Life/Kusarikitta Zinseida
School Explodes
Senpai Sniper
Shit Named Gender
Shut Up
Sinking is Better!
Sorry, I’m a Human Like Trash
Sorry, Long Time No See
Stay Away for the Rest of Your Life
Strong and Kawaii!
Suspicion of Happiness
Teacher addiction
Tearless Grief
The Chain Was Untied
The Worst Man, Please Leave.
There's Always War in the House
To Everyone Who Want to Die
Too Much Period Pain
Trash Everywhere
True Intention
Want a Boyfriend
Want To Connect With You
Want To Cry
Want To Die With Smile
Want to Kill
Want To Kill, But I Love You
Want To Marry You and Die!
Weirdo Me, Who Fell Into Love
What’s the Meaning of Living
Will You Be a Slave, So Can You Date Me?
You Can Leave It As It Is
You Will Be Chilled on SNS
あんちてーぜ (Antithesis)
さよなら (sayonara)
なえぴ (Wither)
ばっどとりっぷ (Bad Trip)
不登校でもいいじゃん (It's Fine To Skip School)
主人公 (Main Character)
人類みなメンヘラ (All Humans Are Menhera)
地雷女の曲 (Kill Boyfriend)
多不幸感 (Many Unhappy)
大丈夫 (Be Alright)
独りじゃない (Not Alone)
私はお前の奴隷じゃない (I’m not your slave)

Trivia about Takayan

What is the latest album by Takayan?
The latest album by Takayan is “Please live forever”, released in 2021 with 10 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Takayan?
The oldest album by Takayan is “Want a boyfriend”, released in 2019 with 15 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Takayan?
The most popular song by Takayan is “Scream”, from the album “Bad example”, released in 2020.
How many albums has Takayan released?
Between 2019 and 2021 Takayan released 7 Albums

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