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Trivia about Tatiana Costa

What are the main songs by Tatiana Costa?
The main songs by Tatiana Costa are “Quando Deus Criou Você (part. Leonardo Gonçalves)”, “O Galileu”, “Sou Seu Anjo (part. Leonardo Gonçalves)”, “Forte Como Um Menino”, and “Preciosa Graça”.
What is the latest album by Tatiana Costa?
The latest album by Tatiana Costa is “Faça Diferença 3”, released in 2013 with 13 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Tatiana Costa?
The oldest album by Tatiana Costa is “Faça Diferença”, released in 2004 with 10 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Tatiana Costa?
The most popular song by Tatiana Costa is “Quando Deus Criou Você (part. Leonardo Gonçalves)”, from the album “Faça Diferença 2”, released in 2008.
How many albums has Tatiana Costa released?
Between 2004 and 2013 Tatiana Costa released 3 Albums

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