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Trivia about Tino Casal

What is the latest album by Tino Casal?
The latest album by Tino Casal is “De la Piel del Diablo - La Colección Definitiva”, released in 2016 with 34 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Tino Casal?
The oldest album by Tino Casal is “Neocasal”, released in 1981 with 9 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Tino Casal?
The most popular song by Tino Casal is “Miel en la Nevera”, from the album “Hielo Rojo”, released in 1984.
How many albums has Tino Casal released?
Between 1981 and 2016 Tino Casal released 6 Albums

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