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Trivia about Tito Fernandez

What is the latest album by Tito Fernandez?
The latest album by Tito Fernandez is “La Epopeya de Las Comidas y Bebidas de Chile”, released in 2008 with 4 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Tito Fernandez?
The oldest album by Tito Fernandez is “El Temucano”, released in 1971 with 9 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Tito Fernandez?
The most popular song by Tito Fernandez is “Pablo Canto”, from the album “Yo Paso y Canto”, released in 1985.
How many albums has Tito Fernandez released?
Between 1971 and 2008 Tito Fernandez released 22 Albums

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