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Trivia about Trilha Sonora Do Gueto

What are the main songs by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto?
The main songs by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto are “Um Pião Di Vida Loka”, “Face Oculta”, “V. L. Tamém Ama”, “Fala Que É Nois”, and “Coração de V.l. Num Bate, Balança”.
What is the latest album by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto?
The latest album by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto is “Du Lixo Au Luxu”, released in 2015 with 13 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto?
The oldest album by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto is “Us Fracu num Tem Veiz”, released in 2003 with 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto?
The most popular song by Trilha Sonora Do Gueto is “Um Pião Di Vida Loka”, from the album “Us Fracu Nun Tem Vez”, released in 2004.
How many albums has Trilha Sonora Do Gueto released?
Between 2003 and 2015 Trilha Sonora Do Gueto released 7 Albums

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