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Trivia about Victor e Matheus

What are the main songs by Victor e Matheus?
The main songs by Victor e Matheus are “Te Avisei”, “O Quanto Eu Amo Você”, “Dona do Meu Coração”, “Preciso de você”, and “Saudade Bandida”.
What is the latest album by Victor e Matheus?
The latest album by Victor e Matheus is “Saudade Bandida”, released in 2009 with 12 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Victor e Matheus?
The oldest album by Victor e Matheus is “Já não sou mais o mesmo”, released in 2006 with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Victor e Matheus?
The most popular song by Victor e Matheus is “Te Avisei”, from the album “Saudade Bandida”, released in 2009.
How many albums has Victor e Matheus released?
Between 2006 and 2009 Victor e Matheus released 2 Albums

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