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8-5 5-10
Abba Padre
Angel's Trumpet
Any Other Day
Asleep (feat. Vivie B)
Back to the Stone
Basta Ya!!!
Be All Be Easy
Be Still
Be There Still
Bend Beyond
Bleeding Blue
Blood Dries Darker
Born to Lose
Break the Tension
Cali in a Cup
Can’t See at All
Canto I-Modéré
Creature Comfort
Crying At Home
Cuenta Conmigo
Death Rattles
Denk an Mich
Don’t Pass on Me
Down This Road
Eight To Five, Five To Ten
Eres Real
Feather Man
Find Them Empty
Fire in My Blood
Full Moon
Give Your Light Off
Guerreros del Reino
Gypsy Hand
Hand It Out
Hang It On Your Wall
Hit That Drum
Hollow Home
I See in the Dark
I Was Gone
Impossible Sky
Is It Honest?
It Ain’t Easy
Keep It On
Kid’s Got Heart
Leaves Like Glass
Losing All Control (feat. Simone Nijssen)
Lost in a Crowd
Love Is Love
Military Madness
Morning Light
Moving to the Left
New Light
Night Creature
Only the Lonely
Out of the Eye
Pick Up
Politics of Free
Pushing Onlys
Rain On
Ring Me to Sleep
Say Goodbye
Silence Is Golden
Size Meets the Sound
Something Surreal
Suffering Season
Sun City Creeps
The Great Unknown
The Hold
The Number
The Other Side
The Take
Time Fading Lines
To Clean
Tu Guardián
Twin Steps
Twisted Tongue
What Faces the Sheet
Where and What Are You?
Where Do You Go When You Dream?
White Out
Who Do I Think I Am?
Wind Was the Wine
With Light and with Love
Woman in Love
Wouldn’t Waste
You Are Never Alone

Trivia about Woods

What is the latest album by Woods?
The latest album by Woods is “Strange to Explain”, released in 2020 with 2 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Woods?
The oldest album by Woods is “How to Survive In/In the Woods”, released in 2005 with 2 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Woods?
The most popular song by Woods is “Where Do You Go When You Dream?”, from the album “Strange to Explain”, released in 2020.
How many albums has Woods released?
Between 2005 and 2020 Woods released 12 Albums

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