Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)

2003 • Album

Most popular songs of Mara Lima

Trivia about the album Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2) by Mara Lima

In what year was the album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” released by Mara Lima?
The album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” was released in 2003 by Mara Lima, featuring 8 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” by Mara Lima?
Sabe Filho” is the biggest hit from the album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” by Mara Lima.
What are the main songs from the album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” by Mara Lima?
The main songs from the album “Melhores Momentos (Vol. 2)” by Mara Lima are “Sabe Filho”, “In Memorian”, “Rosa Vermelha”, “Você Vai Vencer”, and “Andorinha”.

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