Raio-X Brasil

1993 • Album

Most popular songs of Racionais MC's

Trivia about the album Raio-X Brasil by Racionais MC's

In what year was the album “Raio-X Brasil” released by Racionais MC's?
The album “Raio-X Brasil” was released in 1993 by Racionais MC's, featuring 6 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Raio-X Brasil” by Racionais MC's?
Homem Na Estrada” is the biggest hit from the album “Raio-X Brasil” by Racionais MC's.
What are the main songs from the album “Raio-X Brasil” by Racionais MC's?
The main songs from the album “Raio-X Brasil” by Racionais MC's are “O Homem Na Estrada”, “Fim De Semana No Parque”, “Mano Na Porta Do Bar”, and “Júri Racional”.

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