Uma Nova História

2012 • Album

Most popular songs of Wesley Safadão

Trivia about the album Uma Nova História by Wesley Safadão

In what year was the album “Uma Nova História” released by Wesley Safadão?
The album “Uma Nova História” was released in 2012 by Wesley Safadão, featuring 18 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Uma Nova História” by Wesley Safadão?
Vai Esperar” is the biggest hit from the album “Uma Nova História” by Wesley Safadão.
What are the main songs from the album “Uma Nova História” by Wesley Safadão?
The main songs from the album “Uma Nova História” by Wesley Safadão are “Vai Esperar”, “Disco Voador”, “Ei, Olha o Som (Empinadinha) (part. Leo Santana)”, “Tentativas Em Vão (Part. Bruno e Marrone)”, and “Sou Outra Pessoa (part. Dorgival Dantas)”.

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