Wesley Safadão - Duetos

2016 • Album

Most popular songs of Wesley Safadão

Trivia about the album Wesley Safadão - Duetos by Wesley Safadão

In what year was the album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” released by Wesley Safadão?
The album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” was released in 2016 by Wesley Safadão, featuring 14 tracks.
What is the most successful song from the album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” by Wesley Safadão?
Ei, Olha o Som (Empinadinha) (part. Léo Santana)” is the biggest hit from the album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” by Wesley Safadão.
What are the main songs from the album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” by Wesley Safadão?
The main songs from the album “Wesley Safadão - Duetos” by Wesley Safadão are “Ei, Olha o Som (Empinadinha) (part. Léo Santana)”, “Tentativas Em Vão (part. Bruno e Marrone)”, “Jeito Safado (part. Márcia Fellipe)”, “Vou Pagar Pra Ver (part. Xand)”, and “Aquele 1% (part. Marcos & Belutti)”.

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