I Woke Up In Borgolombardo
Only two short stops to average Melegnano
I had a house and a family and a yard
Though I did not know them and did not mow it but I lived somehow oh
I woke up in Borgolombardo
In a bed that I’d never made
There were saplings all down to the pretty rivulet
And fish in the cold water there
What freight of dread was my train of thought each new day in Borgolombardo
I woke up in Borgolombardo
Like a game I’d never played
What strange cordials propositioned me to taste
And whose underwear would circle my waist
And how would the shade seem to me when alone or when standing in it with my wife
Till I knew it was coming to me
To awaken in the house next to mine
But not before living in many more houses
In many more times oh oh oh
Over many more years inside many more feelings and in many more minds oh oh oh
I woke up in Borgolombardo
And I wasn’t the same anymore
For I was to live every life of every man who was strange like me oh oh oh
And how quickly the dizzying dread turned to glee
And I was untrapped and trapless as can be
Mountainously free
In Borgolombardo
Mountainously free
In Borgolombardo
Mountainously free
In Borgolombardo
And every day would have its own history