How detesful an act can be fathomed; logic eluded
The concrete, poured with ill intent
Malice undulates beneath impulse
Tempted by incestous despoilment
Their very being expunged
Born into enslavement; walled away from aid
Dictated from his lips to her pen; all lies
Abandoned is the notion of priveledge
Roving hope will cease
Congential offspring come forth throuh years of woe
Fostered by torment, disfigured from a lifetime in one pose
They sleep as he departs each night
Retreating inward, defeated
Isolation decieves the town that knows them not
Gazing upon his face without a second thought; they carry on
Cruel, accursed days listlessly fall down
Still; perverted thoughts, patriarchial crown
Behind their white lips they search for breath
No strength to cry
Their dreams serve only to torture them
No fodder from the outside