All Things New

David Leonard, Michael Weaver

Lyrics Translation

I've heard You can take what's broken
And make it whole again
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
What can You do with them?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor

You make all things new
You make all things new
God of mercy and love
Do what only You can do
And make all things new

Only You can bring such beauty
From the depths of all my pain
Only You can take this shattered heart
And make it beat again
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
I surrender all I have and all I am

You make all things new
You make all things new
God of mercy and love
Do what only You can do
And make all things new

From the ashes, from the dust
I will rise up, rise up
Out of darkness into the light
I will rise up, rise up
From the ashes, from the dust
I will rise up, rise up
Out of darkness into the light
I will rise up, rise up

You make all things new
You make all things new
God of mercy and love
Do what only You can do
And make all things
All things
You make all things new

I've heard You can take what's broken
Ouvi dizer que Você pode pegar o que está quebrado
And make it whole again
E torná-lo inteiro novamente
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
Bem, aqui estão os pedaços do meu coração
What can You do with them?
O que Você pode fazer com eles?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
Porque eu não consigo mantê-los juntos mais
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor
Então eu os deixo cair, rendido ao chão
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
God of mercy and love
Deus de misericórdia e amor
Do what only You can do
Faça o que só Você pode fazer
And make all things new
E faça todas as coisas novas
Only You can bring such beauty
Só Você pode trazer tanta beleza
From the depths of all my pain
Das profundezas de toda a minha dor
Only You can take this shattered heart
Só Você pode pegar este coração despedaçado
And make it beat again
E fazê-lo bater novamente
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
Oh, Você nos mantém todos juntos em Suas mãos
I surrender all I have and all I am
Eu entrego tudo o que tenho e tudo o que sou
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
God of mercy and love
Deus de misericórdia e amor
Do what only You can do
Faça o que só Você pode fazer
And make all things new
E faça todas as coisas novas
From the ashes, from the dust
Das cinzas, da poeira
I will rise up, rise up
Eu vou me levantar, me levantar
Out of darkness into the light
Da escuridão para a luz
I will rise up, rise up
Eu vou me levantar, me levantar
From the ashes, from the dust
Das cinzas, da poeira
I will rise up, rise up
Eu vou me levantar, me levantar
Out of darkness into the light
Da escuridão para a luz
I will rise up, rise up
Eu vou me levantar, me levantar
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
God of mercy and love
Deus de misericórdia e amor
Do what only You can do
Faça o que só Você pode fazer
And make all things
E faça todas as coisas
All things
Todas as coisas
You make all things new
Você faz todas as coisas novas
I've heard You can take what's broken
He escuchado que puedes tomar lo que está roto
And make it whole again
Y volverlo a completar
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
Bueno, aquí están las piezas de mi corazón
What can You do with them?
¿Qué puedes hacer con ellas?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
Porque ya no puedo mantenerlas todas juntas
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor
Así que las dejo caer, rendidas en el suelo
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
God of mercy and love
Dios de misericordia y amor
Do what only You can do
Haz lo que solo Tú puedes hacer
And make all things new
Y haz todas las cosas nuevas
Only You can bring such beauty
Solo Tú puedes traer tanta belleza
From the depths of all my pain
Desde lo más profundo de todo mi dolor
Only You can take this shattered heart
Solo Tú puedes tomar este corazón destrozado
And make it beat again
Y hacerlo latir de nuevo
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
Oh, Tú nos sostienes a todos en Tus manos
I surrender all I have and all I am
Surrender todo lo que tengo y todo lo que soy
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
God of mercy and love
Dios de misericordia y amor
Do what only You can do
Haz lo que solo Tú puedes hacer
And make all things new
Y haz todas las cosas nuevas
From the ashes, from the dust
Desde las cenizas, desde el polvo
I will rise up, rise up
Me levantaré, me levantaré
Out of darkness into the light
De la oscuridad hacia la luz
I will rise up, rise up
Me levantaré, me levantaré
From the ashes, from the dust
Desde las cenizas, desde el polvo
I will rise up, rise up
Me levantaré, me levantaré
Out of darkness into the light
De la oscuridad hacia la luz
I will rise up, rise up
Me levantaré, me levantaré
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
God of mercy and love
Dios de misericordia y amor
Do what only You can do
Haz lo que solo Tú puedes hacer
And make all things
Y haz todas las cosas
All things
Todas las cosas
You make all things new
Tú haces todas las cosas nuevas
I've heard You can take what's broken
J'ai entendu dire que Tu peux prendre ce qui est brisé
And make it whole again
Et le rendre entier à nouveau
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
Eh bien, voici les morceaux de mon cœur
What can You do with them?
Que peux-Tu en faire?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
Parce que je ne peux plus les tenir tous ensemble
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor
Alors je les laisse tomber, abandonnés sur le sol
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
God of mercy and love
Dieu de miséricorde et d'amour
Do what only You can do
Fais ce que seul Tu peux faire
And make all things new
Et rends toutes choses nouvelles
Only You can bring such beauty
Seul Toi peux apporter une telle beauté
From the depths of all my pain
Des profondeurs de toute ma douleur
Only You can take this shattered heart
Seul Toi peux prendre ce cœur brisé
And make it beat again
Et le faire battre à nouveau
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
Oh, Tu nous tiens tous ensemble dans Tes mains
I surrender all I have and all I am
Je rends tout ce que j'ai et tout ce que je suis
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
God of mercy and love
Dieu de miséricorde et d'amour
Do what only You can do
Fais ce que seul Tu peux faire
And make all things new
Et rends toutes choses nouvelles
From the ashes, from the dust
Des cendres, de la poussière
I will rise up, rise up
Je me lèverai, je me lèverai
Out of darkness into the light
De l'obscurité à la lumière
I will rise up, rise up
Je me lèverai, je me lèverai
From the ashes, from the dust
Des cendres, de la poussière
I will rise up, rise up
Je me lèverai, je me lèverai
Out of darkness into the light
De l'obscurité à la lumière
I will rise up, rise up
Je me lèverai, je me lèverai
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
God of mercy and love
Dieu de miséricorde et d'amour
Do what only You can do
Fais ce que seul Tu peux faire
And make all things
Et rends toutes choses
All things
Toutes choses
You make all things new
Tu rends toutes choses nouvelles
I've heard You can take what's broken
Ich habe gehört, du kannst nehmen, was kaputt ist
And make it whole again
Und es wieder ganz machen
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
Nun, hier sind die Stücke meines Herzens
What can You do with them?
Was kannst du damit tun?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
Denn ich kann sie nicht mehr alle zusammenhalten
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor
Also lasse ich sie fallen und gebe sie auf dem Boden hin
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
God of mercy and love
Gott der Barmherzigkeit und Liebe
Do what only You can do
Tu, was nur du tun kannst
And make all things new
Und mache alle Dinge neu
Only You can bring such beauty
Nur du kannst solche Schönheit hervorbringen
From the depths of all my pain
Aus den Tiefen all meines Schmerzes
Only You can take this shattered heart
Nur du kannst dieses zerbrochene Herz nehmen
And make it beat again
Und es wieder schlagen lassen
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
Oh, du hältst uns alle in deinen Händen zusammen
I surrender all I have and all I am
Ich gebe alles auf, was ich habe und was ich bin
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
God of mercy and love
Gott der Barmherzigkeit und Liebe
Do what only You can do
Tu, was nur du tun kannst
And make all things new
Und mache alle Dinge neu
From the ashes, from the dust
Aus der Asche, aus dem Staub
I will rise up, rise up
Werden ich aufstehen, aufstehen
Out of darkness into the light
Aus der Dunkelheit ins Licht
I will rise up, rise up
Werden ich aufstehen, aufstehen
From the ashes, from the dust
Aus der Asche, aus dem Staub
I will rise up, rise up
Werden ich aufstehen, aufstehen
Out of darkness into the light
Aus der Dunkelheit ins Licht
I will rise up, rise up
Werden ich aufstehen, aufstehen
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
God of mercy and love
Gott der Barmherzigkeit und Liebe
Do what only You can do
Tu, was nur du tun kannst
And make all things
Und mache alle Dinge
All things
Alle Dinge
You make all things new
Du machst alle Dinge neu
I've heard You can take what's broken
Ho sentito dire che puoi prendere ciò che è rotto
And make it whole again
E renderlo di nuovo intero
Well, here's the pieces of my heart
Ecco, questi sono i pezzi del mio cuore
What can You do with them?
Cosa puoi farci con loro?
'Cause I can't hold them all together anymore
Perché non riesco più a tenerli tutti insieme
So I let them fall surrendered to the floor
Quindi li lascio cadere, arresi al pavimento
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
God of mercy and love
Dio di misericordia e amore
Do what only You can do
Fai ciò che solo Tu puoi fare
And make all things new
E rendi tutte le cose nuove
Only You can bring such beauty
Solo Tu puoi portare una tale bellezza
From the depths of all my pain
Dalle profondità di tutto il mio dolore
Only You can take this shattered heart
Solo Tu puoi prendere questo cuore infranto
And make it beat again
E farlo battere di nuovo
Oh, You hold us all together in Your hands
Oh, ci tieni tutti insieme nelle tue mani
I surrender all I have and all I am
Mi arrendo tutto quello che ho e tutto quello che sono
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
God of mercy and love
Dio di misericordia e amore
Do what only You can do
Fai ciò che solo Tu puoi fare
And make all things new
E rendi tutte le cose nuove
From the ashes, from the dust
Dalle ceneri, dalla polvere
I will rise up, rise up
Mi alzerò, mi alzerò
Out of darkness into the light
Fuori dall'oscurità nella luce
I will rise up, rise up
Mi alzerò, mi alzerò
From the ashes, from the dust
Dalle ceneri, dalla polvere
I will rise up, rise up
Mi alzerò, mi alzerò
Out of darkness into the light
Fuori dall'oscurità nella luce
I will rise up, rise up
Mi alzerò, mi alzerò
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove
God of mercy and love
Dio di misericordia e amore
Do what only You can do
Fai ciò che solo Tu puoi fare
And make all things
E rendi tutte le cose
All things
Tutte le cose
You make all things new
Tu rendi tutte le cose nuove

Trivia about the song All Things New by Big Daddy Weave

When was the song “All Things New” released by Big Daddy Weave?
The song All Things New was released in 2019, on the album “When the Light Comes”.
Who composed the song “All Things New” by Big Daddy Weave?
The song “All Things New” by Big Daddy Weave was composed by David Leonard, Michael Weaver.

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