Trionfo di Afrodite-

the Greek verses with Latin alphabet (*Greek original verses below):

galaktos leukotera, whiter than milk
ydatos apalootera, softer than water
paktidoon emmelestera, more melodic than ballads
ippoo gaurotera, more proud than a noble horse
rodoon abrotera, more fresh than the roses
imatioo eanou malakootera, more velvet than a mantle
chrysoo chrysotera. brighter than gold

*Greek original verses:

γάλακτος λευκοτέρα
υδατος ἀπαλωτέρα
πακτίδων ἐμμελεστέρα
ἶππω γαυροτέρα
ρόδων ἀβροτέρα
ὶματίω ἐανοῦ μαλακωτέρα
χρύσω χρυσοτέρα

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